
Selected peer-reviewed work

* led by graduate student

★ led by undergraduate student


*Zaiats, A., T. T. Caughlin, J. Cruz, D. S. Pilliod, M. E. Cattau, R. Liu, R. Rachman, M. Maliha, D. Delparte, and J. D. J. Clare. 2024. Propagating observation errors to enable scalable and rigorous enumeration of plant population abundance with aerial imagery. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 00:1–13.

*Grossklaus, M. R., D. S. Pilliod, T. T. Caughlin, and I. C. Robertson. 2024. Spatial patterns of seed removal by harvester ants in a seed tray experiment. Environmental Entomology:nvae069.

*Velazco, S., J. Brandt, A. Zaiats, J. M. Requena-Mullor, K. Pillaca, B. Choza, and T. T. Caughlin. 2024. Hotter, drier climate influences tropical tree cover loss and promotes bracken fern dominance within arrested successional patches in Andean Cloud Forests. Biological Conservation 297:110731.

*Gamboa-Blanco, E. A., J. M. Dupuy, C. A. Portillo-Quintero, T. Caughlin, and J. L. Hernández-Stefanoni. 2024. Effects of successional age, plot size, and tree size on the relationship between diversity and aboveground biomass in tropical dry forests. Plant Ecology.

*Zaiats, A., M. E. Cattau, D. S. Pilliod, R. Liu, P. K. T. Dumandan, A. Hojatimalekshah, D. M. Delparte, and T. T. Caughlin. 2024. Structural heterogeneity predicts ecological resistance and resilience to wildfire in arid shrublands. Landscape Ecology 39:108.

*Enterkine, J., T. T. Caughlin, H. Dashti, and N. F. Glenn. 2024. Applied soft classes and fuzzy confusion in a patchwork semi-arid ecosystem: Stitching together classification techniques to preserve ecologically-meaningful information. Remote Sensing of Environment 300:113853.

*Kolarik, N. E., N. Shrestha, T. Caughlin, and J. S. Brandt. 2024. Leveraging high resolution classifications and random forests for hindcasting decades of mesic ecosystem dynamics in the Landsat time series. Ecological Indicators 158:111445.

Olsoy, P. J., A. Zaiats, D. M. Delparte, M. J. Germino, B. A. Richardson, A. V. Roser, J. S. Forbey, M. E. Cattau, and T. T. Caughlin. 2024. Demography with drones: detecting growth and survival of shrubs with unoccupied aerial systems. Restoration Ecology:e14106.


Olsoy, P. J., A. Zaiats, D. M. Delparte, M. J. Germino, B. A. Richardson, S. Roop, A. V. Roser, J. S. Forbey, M. E. Cattau, S. Buerki, K. Reinhardt, and T. T. Caughlin. (2023). High-resolution thermal imagery reveals how interactions between crown structure and genetics shape plant temperature. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Caughlin, T. T., M. Clark, L. W. Jochems, N. Kolarik, A. Zaiats, C. Hall, J. M. Winiarski, B. F. Powers, M. M. Brabec, and K. Hopping. 2023. Socio-ecological interactions promote outbreaks of a harmful invasive plant in an urban landscape. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4:e12247.

*Hojatimalekshah, A., J. Gongora, J. Enterkine, N. F. Glenn, T. T. Caughlin, H. P. Marshall, and C. A. Hiemstra. 2023. Lidar and deep learning reveal forest structural controls on snowpack. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21:49–54.

Requena-Mullor, J. M., J. Brandt, M. A. Williamson, and T. T. Caughlin. 2023. Human population growth and accessibility from cities shape rangeland condition in the American West. Landscape and Urban Planning 232:104673.

*Zaiats, A., M. E. Cattau, D. S. Pilliod, R. Liu, J. M. Requena-Mullor, and T. T. Caughlin. 2023. Forecasting natural regeneration of sagebrush after wildfires using population models and spatial matching. Landscape Ecology 38:1291–1306.


* Roser, A., J. Enterkine, J. M. Requena-Mullor, N. F. Glenn, A. Boehm, M.-A. de Graaff, P. E. Clark, F. Pierson, and T. T. Caughlin. 2022. Drone imagery protocols to map vegetation are transferable between dryland sites across an elevational gradient. Ecosphere 13:e4330.

* Applestein, C., T. T. Caughlin, and M. J. Germino. 2022. Post-fire seed dispersal of a wind-dispersed shrub declined with distance to seed source, yet had high levels of unexplained variation. AoB Plants 14:plac045.

* Zaiats, A., J. M. Requena-Mullor, M. J. Germino, J. S. Forbey, B. A. Richardson, and T. T. Caughlin. 2022. Spatial models can improve the experimental design of field-based transplant gardens by preventing bias due to neighborhood crowding. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9630.

* Barber, C., A. Zaiats, C. Applestein, L. Rosenthal, and T. T. Caughlin. 2022. Bayesian models for spatially explicit interactions between neighbouring plants. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13:2788–2798.

* Barber, C., S. J. Graves, J. S. Hall, P. A. Zuidema, J. Brandt, S. A. Bohlman, G. P. Asner, M. Bailón, and T. T. Caughlin. 2022. Species-level tree crown maps improve predictions of tree recruit abundance in a tropical landscape. Ecological Applications 32:e2585.

*Applestein, C., T. T. Caughlin, and M. J. Germino. (2022). Bayesian modeling can facilitate adaptive management in restoration. Restoration Ecology:e13596.

*Robb, B. C., P. J. Olsoy, J. J. Mitchell, T. T. Caughlin, D. M. Delparte, S. J. Galla, M. R. Fremgen-Tarantino, J. D. Nobler, J. L. Rachlow, L. A. Shipley, and J. S. Forbey. (2022). Near-infrared spectroscopy aids ecological restoration by classifying variation of taxonomy and phenology of a native shrub. Restoration Ecology:e13584.

Stoll, E., A. Roopsind, G. Maharaj, S. Velazco, and T. T. Caughlin. (2022). Detecting gold mining impacts on insect biodiversity in a tropical mining frontier with SmallSat imagery. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 8:379–390..

*Warneke, C. R., T. T. Caughlin, E. I. Damschen, N. M. Haddad, D. J. Levey, and L. A. Brudvig. (2022). Habitat fragmentation alters the distance of abiotic seed dispersal through edge effects and direction of dispersal. Ecology 103:e03586.


*Applestein, C., T. T. Caughlin, and M. J. Germino. 2021. Weather affects post-fire recovery of sagebrush-steppe communities and model transferability among sites. Ecosphere 12:e03446.

Caughlin, T. T., C. Barber, G. P. Asner, N. F. Glenn, S. A. Bohlman, and C. H. Wilson. 2021. Monitoring tropical forest succession at landscape scales despite uncertainty in Landsat time series. Ecological Applications 31:e02208.

*Dumandan, P. K. T., K. L. Bildstein, L. J. Goodrich, A. Zaiats, T. T. Caughlin, and T. E. Katzner. 2021. Shared functional traits explain synchronous changes in long-term count trends of migratory raptors. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30:640–650.

*Hudon, S. F., A. Zaiats, A. Roser, A. Roopsind, C. Barber, B. C. Robb, B. A. Pendleton, M. J. Camp, P. E. Clark, M. M. Davidson, J. Frankel-Bricker, M. Fremgen-Tarantino, J. S. Forbey, E. J. Hayden, L. A. Richards, O. K. Rodriguez, and T. T. Caughlin. 2021. Unifying community detection across scales from genomes to landscapes. Oikos 130:831–843.

Ram, M. A., T. T. Caughlin, and A. Roopsind. 2021. Active restoration leads to rapid recovery of aboveground biomass but limited recovery of fish diversity in planted mangrove forests of the North Brazil Shelf. Restoration Ecology 29:e13400.

Seaborn, T., K. R. Andrews, C. V. Applestein, T. M. Breech, M. J. Garrett, A. Zaiats, and T. T. Caughlin. 2021. Integrating genomics in population models to forecast translocation success. Restoration Ecology 29:e13395.

*Zaiats, A., M. J. Germino, M. D. Serpe, B. A. Richardson, and T. T. Caughlin. 2021. Intraspecific variation mediates density dependence in a genetically diverse plant species. Ecology 102:e03502.


*Zaiats, A., B. E. Lazarus, M. J. Germino, M. D. Serpe, B. A. Richardson, S. Buerki, and T. T. Caughlin. 2020. Intraspecific variation in surface water uptake in a perennial desert shrub. Functional Ecology 34:1170–1179.

*Estrada-Villegas, S., M. Bailón, J. S. Hall, S. A. Schnitzer, B. L. Turner, T. Caughlin, and M. van Breugel. 2020. Edaphic factors and initial conditions influence successional trajectories of early regenerating tropical dry forests. Journal of Ecology 108:160–174.

*McCaslin, H. M., T. T. Caughlin, and J. A. Heath. 2020. Long-distance natal dispersal is relatively frequent and correlated with environmental factors in a widespread raptor. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:2077–2088.


Caughlin, T. T., E. I. Damschen, N. M. Haddad, D. J. Levey, C. Warneke, and L. A. Brudvig (2019). Landscape heterogeneity is key to forecasting outcomes of plant reintroduction. Ecological Applications 29:e01850.

Caughlin, T. T., M. de la Peña‐Domene, and C. Martínez‐Garza 2019. Demographic costs and benefits of natural regeneration during tropical forest restoration. Ecology Letters 22:34–44.

Caughlin, T. T., S. J. Graves, G. P. Asner, B. C. Tarbox, and S. A. Bohlman. 2019. High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data as a Boundary Object to Facilitate Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Pages 295–326, Collaboration Across Boundaries for Social-Ecological Systems Science. Springer

*Hunte, N., A. Roopsind, A. A. Ansari, and T.T. Caughlin 2019. Colonial history impacts urban tree species distribution in a tropical city. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 41:313–322.

Requena-Mullor, J. M., K. C. Maguire, D. J. Shinneman, and T. T. Caughlin 2019. Integrating anthropogenic factors into regional-scale species distribution models-A novel application in the imperiled sagebrush biome. Global Change Biology 00:15.


Forbey, J. S., R. Liu, T. T. Caughlin, M. D. Matocq, J. A. Vucetich, K. D. Kohl, M.  D. Dearing, and A. M. Felton 2018. Review: Using physiologically based models to predict population responses to phytochemicals by wild vertebrate herbivores. animal 12:s383–s398.

*Graves, S. J., T. T. Caughlin, G. P. Asner, and S. A. Bohlman 2018. A tree-based approach to biomass estimation from remote sensing data in a tropical agricultural landscape. Remote Sensing of Environment 218:32–43.

Roopsind, A., T. T. Caughlin, P. van der Hout, E. Arets, and F. E. Putz 2018. Trade-offs between carbon stocks and timber recovery in tropical forests are mediated by logging intensity. Global Change Biology 24:2862–2874.

*Tarbox, B. C., C. Fiestas, and T. T. Caughlin 2018. Divergent rates of change between tree cover types in a tropical pastoral region. Landscape Ecology 33:2153–2167.